You should see my belly button now. The other night, Ray actually took a video of it because it cracked us up so much. Can't describe it. Can't show you the video either, because then you'd see the icky belly hair. Combination of those damn genes from Dad and those damn hormones. Totally normal, but not exactly something I'd like to show off. Maybe if we can find a way to airbrush it out.
We had another regular appointment with the doctor the other day. Hearing that heartbeat never gets old. The only other notable thing from that appointment... wait for it... I'm UNDERweight. Seriously. I did not expect that. Not that I feel like I've gained a ton, but what pregnant women expects to be told she hasn't gained enough? Of course when I went back to work after the appointment I was very quick to tell my co-workers about this, especially the one who is ruthless with the fat jokes. So there! Needless to say, since that day I have been working very hard at correcting this problem. We'll see if I've overcompensated come the next appointment.
And speaking of appointments, now that the third trimester is fast approaching the appointments are becoming way more frequent. So far, I've been doing the regular 4 week ones plus an ultrasound. But now I have a glucose test in two weeks, a regular doctor visit two weeks after that, another ultrasound 2 1/2 weeks after that, and then another doctor visit less than a week after that, and those regular ones will get more frequent. Plus we'll have the birthing classes before you know it. Up to now everything has felt pretty routine and not too impactful (did I just make up a word?) on my day to day life (except for the constant thoughts of all things baby), but now it's starting to feel like, OK, this is it, this is where my life as I know it starts to fade. The centre of my universe is making it's shift. Bring it on!
I've been reading a book I got for Christmas (thanks sis): Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul. I love the Chicken Soup series. Sometimes Ray reads with me. There are some real gems, I totally recommend this book for anyone really, not just moms or expectant moms. So far, the most memorable tidbit: "Sex is like riding a bicycle. It doesn't matter how long it's been, it comes back to you." Not that I can relate. Woops, did I just share too much? Never you mind, just re-read that quote, I bet every one of us can relate to some extent.
And now to get our minds off our our sex lives, new topic! Wardrobe update: still fitting into normal jeans, although they don't fit quite so normally. But I'll milk as much time out of them as I can. Tops are another issue altogether - had to go shopping last week to pick up a couple that will tide me over until the next shift in size. Got a couple on a great end-of-season sale. Tell me, why do they have end-of-season sales when it is barely the middle of the season? In Kelowna we can count on cold snowy days through February and part way through March - we've still got at least 6 weeks of heavy winter coat type weather. Speaking of winter coats - my buttons are starting to pop sometimes. It will kill me if I have to buy a larger size winter coat for only a matter of a few weeks. All of the spending on short term stuff kills me. What? Me? Cheap? Naw. You got me all wrong.
Well off to make dinner. Gotta pack those pounds on. Doctor's orders!